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The U.S. Dollar index (DXY) is rising by 0.38% to 103.89 points this week, while the EURUSD is declining by an equivalent 0.38% to 1.08420. The Greenback has now strengthened for four consecutive weeks, though this rise appears to be losing momentum. Last week, the Dollar gained strength following the European Central Bank's (ECB) predictable decision to cut interest rates by another quarter percentage point. However, ECB President Christine Lagarde struck a more optimistic tone on inflation, stating it would return to the 2.0% target by the end of 2025.
Gold prices have risen by 1.0% to $2,683 per troy ounce this week, retreating slightly from their new all-time high of $2,685.7 per ounce. This level surpasses the previous record of $2,685.5 per ounce set on 26th September. Despite the brief pullback, gold is poised to resume its upward climb. Last week, the bullion faced some challenges. Gold prices initially dropped by 1.
The U.S. Dollar index (DXY) is up by 0.1% to 103.09 points this week, while the EURUSD is down by 0.2% to 1.09090. Although the Dollar has been strengthening over the past three weeks, its momentum appears to be waning. The EURUSD dropped by 1.7% to 1.09640 in the first week and by 0.3% to 1.09300 in the second. This week, the pair may trade flat or even rise, given the current trend. Large investors are also positioning for a weaker Dollar. The WisdomTree Bloomberg US Dollar Bullish Fund (USDU) reported no changes in inflows or outflows last week, and investors have withdrawn $3.
Brent crude oil is down 1.0% this week, trading at $77.70 per barrel, retreating from its two-month high of $81.57 per barrel on Monday. Despite the pullback, oil prices remain elevated due to two key drivers: macroeconomic factors and geopolitics. Geopolitics has become the primary catalyst for the recent oil price rally. While strong macroeconomic data—such as JOLTs job openings, Nonfarm Payrolls, and a positive non-manufacturing PMI—have had a moderate impact, the most significant market reaction came from U.S. labor data released last Friday. In September, the U.S.
The U.S. Dollar index (DXY) is down 0.15% to 102.39 points, while the EURUSD has risen 0.25% to 1.09900 this week. Though this dip in the Dollar may appear minor after last week’s 1.75% surge, it suggests a potential shift in market sentiment, at least in the short term. The Greenback had been bolstered by Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s remarks on 30th September, where he signaled support for continued monetary tightening and highlighted the strength of the U.S. economy.
Gold prices are down by 0.5% to $2,645 per troy ounce, retreating from the all-time high of $2,685. However, the upward trend may not be over yet, as gold broke through the resistance at $2,490–2,510 per ounce in September, clearing the way for a primary target of $2,700–2,800 and potentially extreme targets of $3,200–3,300 per ounce. This rally could extend until the end of November, driven largely by the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) unexpected half-point interest rate cut in September. The last time the Fed made such a bold move was in August 2007, which triggered a 59.
The U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) has risen by 0.5% this week to 100.97 points, while the EURUSD has declined at a similar pace, dropping below 1.11000. It appears the Greenback is beginning to recover following Federal Reserve (Fed) Chair Jerome Powell’s hawkish remarks during his speech on Monday. Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), expressed confidence in achieving the inflation target of 2.0% soon, signalling a likely interest rate cut by the ECB in mid-October.
Brent crude prices are down by 3.8% this week to $71.90 per barrel, dipping as low as $70.89 earlier on Thursday, marking the lowest level since September 12 and nearing the September 10 lows when concerns over a U.S. recession were high. This time, negative sentiment is even stronger, with declining PMIs (Purchasing Managers' Indexes) for both manufacturing and services in the Eurozone, U.S., and the U.K. Japan is also experiencing falling manufacturing activity, while its services sector stagnates. Despite this, the oil supply outlook appears more optimistic as U.S.
The U.S. Dollar has shown unusual stability since the start of the week. The U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) is up slightly by 0.05% to 100.77 points. However, the picture varies significantly when comparing the Greenback against different reserve currencies. The Dollar strengthened by 0.2% against the Euro, while retreating by 0.4% against the British Pound. The Japanese Yen has fallen by 0.5% to the Dollar, while commodity-driven currencies such as the Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Dollars have risen by 0.5-0.6% against the Greenback.
The U.S. Dollar Index (DXY) has seen a slight decline of 0.30% to 100.61 points this week, while the EUR/USD pair climbed by 0.60% to 1.11400, nearing its recent high. Investors are keenly watching the Federal Reserve’s upcoming decision, speculating a possible half-point rate cut. This aggressive rate cut appears overestimated given the current mixed economic indicators, especially with core inflation showing some persistence. The idea of a half-point cut is seen by some, like former New York Fed President William Dudley, as necessary due to potential labor market deterioration.
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